Test case creation for user stories can be a challenging task for QA testers. By concentrating on thee critical areas – availability, accessibility, and functionality – testers can ensure that features work as intended, are accessible to authorized users, and are both visible and interactive within the application.
This structured approach serves as a reliable framework for crafting test cases, enabling early detection of potential issues while maintaining quality and consistency.
The sections below delve into these three vital areas, providing clear definitions, key considerations for creating test cases, and sample scenarios to address each aspect comprehensively.
Availability focuses on ensuring a feature is present and properly displayed within the application. Before evaluating accessibility and functionality, it’s essential to confirm that the feature is visible in its intended location as outlined in the user story. This preliminary check ensures the feature is correctly integrated and readily accessible to users.
Key considerations for availability
- Visibility Checks confirm the feature is present and displayed in the specified location detailed in the user story.
- Interactive Controls ensure buttons, links, or other interactive elements are active and operational.
- Contrast and Readability validate that text and buttons adhere to visual standards for readability and contrast, supporting users with visual impairments.
Sample test case for availability
Title: Verify the visibility of profile editing functionality on the user profile page.
Preconditions: User is logged in and has navigated to the profile page.
- Navigate to the user profile page.
Expected Result: User successfully accesses the profile page. - Check if the “Edit Profile” button is visible as described in the user story.
Expected Result: The “Edit Profile” button is visible and positioned according to requirements.
Accessibility testing ensures that functionality is usable by individuals with diverse abilities and permissions, while also verifying compliance with accessibility standards across various devices and input methods.
Key considerations for accessibility
- Permissions Checks verify that users with the necessary permissions can access the functionality, while those without permissions are restricted.
- Performance ensures the feature loads promptly and responds seamlessly for an optimal user experience.
Sample test cases for accessibility
Positive Scenario: Confirm access to Edit User Profile functionality when permission is granted.
Preconditions: User with the appropriate Edit Profile permission is on the profile editing page.
- Check the status of the Edit button.
Expected Result: The Edit button is enabled. - Click the Edit Profile button.
Expected Result: The Edit Profile popup opens successfully.
Negative Scenario: Confirm restricted access to Edit User Profile functionality when permission is not granted.
- Check the status of the Edit button.
Expected Result: The Edit button is disabled.
Functionality testing ensures that a feature operates as intended according to the user story. It verifies that the feature performs its primary tasks correctly and handles various inputs effectively.
Key considerations for functionality
- Happy Path Testing confirms the main workflow operates as expected, covering the core use case.
- Boundary and Edge Cases test the feature’s behavior with inputs at the limits of acceptable ranges.
- Negative Testing validates that invalid inputs trigger appropriate error messages without causing system crashes.
Sample test cases for functionality
TC1: Validate Profile Editing with Valid Inputs
Title: Validate profile editing functionality with valid inputs.
Preconditions: User is logged in and on the profile editing page.
- Enter valid data into all profile fields.
Expected Result: Fields accept the valid data without displaying errors or warnings. - Click save.
Expected Result: Profile updates successfully, and a confirmation message is displayed.
TC2: Validate Profile Editing with Invalid Inputs
Title: Validate profile editing functionality with invalid inputs.
Preconditions: User is logged in and on the profile editing page.
- Enter invalid data (e.g., incorrect email format) into one or more profile fields.
Expected Result: The system flags invalid fields and displays specific warnings or error messages. - Click save.
Expected Result: Clear, informative error messages identify the invalid inputs and explain the required corrections. No changes to the profile are saved.
Best practices
To ensure high-quality test case creation, it’s essential to follow proven best practices that emphasize clarity, consistency, and thoroughness in the testing process. These guidelines will help you create more effective test cases and improve overall testing outcomes.
- Understand Requirements Thoroughly: Clarify any ambiguities in user stories and take note of key requirements.
- Define Success and Failure Criteria: Establish clear “pass” and “fail” criteria for objective assessment.
- Write Clear and Concise Steps: Use straightforward language and spell out each action to make instructions easy to follow.
- Prioritize Critical Scenarios First: Focus on validating core user flows (e.g., login, checkout) before addressing edge cases.
- Use a Consistent Test Case Structure: Include essential fields such as Test Case ID, Title, Description, Preconditions, Steps, Expected Result, and Status.
- Incorporate Diverse Test Data: Test using positive, negative, and boundary values to achieve comprehensive coverage.
- Request Peer Reviews: Regularly review test cases with experienced team members to gather constructive feedback and improve quality.
Final thoughts
By focusing on Availability, Accessibility, and Functionality, QA testers can ensure that every new feature is visible and ready for interaction, accessible to authorized users, and performs as expected.
These three pillars create a structured and reliable approach to QA, fostering confidence and strengthening contributions to overall software quality. Much like training wheels, these guiding principles provide essential support for testers, establishing a solid foundation for crafting effective and impactful test cases.
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- Anneke van der Putten
- Call: +31 (0)30 782 0111
- anneke@netrom.nl
- Ronald Bouwmeister
- Call: +31 (0)30 782 0117
- ronald@netrom.nl